Why Pre-Test?
Pre-testing is critical for both you and your students. First, pre-testing gives your students a real testing experience and a benchmark to help them set personal score goals. We know that testing may look different this year with some students testing in-person and others testing online. We are here to help you in any situation. Second, pre-testing helps you plan your course. You can use pre-test data to identify student strengths and weaknesses, adjust your lesson plans, and track your students’ progress throughout the course. And with Cambridge’s pre-testing reports, much of this work is already done for you. Cambridge breaks down the test items and gives you item-level and test-level data about your class, and Cambridge provides customized lesson plans based on your classroom data. We know pre-testing requires a time commitment, but it is key to making your program a success.
How to Pre-Test
Pre-Testing should be completed in four steps:
Task | Completed |
Know what materials/program you purchased* | |
Know how the test will be proctored | |
Collect all documents | |
Prepare and distribute your materials | |
Schedule the pre-test | |
Administer the pre-test | |
Review the data using Cambridge reports |
*If you are a Program Administrator, you are responsible for ordering the materials and communicating all pre-testing details to your staff. If you still need to order or if you have questions about pre-testing, contact Cambridge at (847) 299-2930.
Cambridge Educational Services, Inc. offers and scores tests from ACT, Inc., The College Board, and other testing companies. These are retired tests, intended for practice purposes only and not for official administration, and are based on high school curriculum as of the copyright dates of the tests. Cambridge’s products and services, including its score reports, are not approved or endorsed by ACT, Inc., The College Board, or the other companies that develop the tests, and Cambridge has no affiliation with any of those entities.