After you receive your reports, distribute the student reports to your students and review the teacher reports to identify your students’ strengths and weaknesses. If you would like to send a letter home to parents attached to their student’s reports, contact Cambridge Support staff at 847-299-2930.
For more information on how to read your reports, click HERE. In addition to the reports you received after you post-tested, you will also receive a Pre-Post Instructor Summary comparing your students’ performance on the two tests.
In addition to reports, you should have also received a Cambridge Navigator packet. Click on the link below to download your Navigator packet.
Navigator Packets
The Navigator includes an answer key and explanations for each item on your post-test. Review the tests with your students as soon after administration as possible. Use the Navigator to discuss items your students found challenging. Download the Navigator for your post-test form code from the list below.
TSI 18A Navigator
TSI CES 21B Navigator